Cork and Barrel Closes it’s doors
An Era is defined as a long and distinct period of history with a particular feature or characteristic. This certainly describes the era of Cork and Barrel wine and bourbon store in Lexington. Over a decade ago, Jim and Bev Taylor opened a Wine Styles franchise. I was one of the first members to sign up and have followed them through their Wine Styles experience and into their amazing Cork and Barrel busines. They planned Cork and Barrel very well. The ambiance is great, selection impressive, and the service always wonderful. They have an excellent selection of bourbons, wines and others spirits.
I left Lexington for a period of time but after returning, one of the first things I did was “re-sign” up as a member of their wine club. Uunfortunately COVID insanity put a tremendous damper on the social aspects of their business. However, as things have opened up, they began some new events.
Jim and Bev put in a tremendous amounts of time every week running Cork and Barrell (up to 80 hours), and have come to the decision that they want a life. Who can blame them? So Cork and Barrel will close it’s doors permanently at the end of November. They will still keep their bourbon store that is located after security in the Lexington Airport. This was a brillant move by Jim and Bev, and allows those visiting folks to buy bourbon and carry it on-board to home, or provide a bottle of good bourbon for their stay here in Lexington. This will also take lots less of their time and allow them “a life”.
The last few Friday’s they have had a group of loyal Cork and Barrel members joining an evening of good wine and good fellowship. These Friday get togethers are a great time of friendship, and afterward you can head to the great food scene in Lexington for dinner. But they are also a way of showing Jim and Bev how much we appreciate all they have done over the years, and support them as they close down this great store.
November 5, 2021 November 5, 2021 November 12, 2021 Last night at Cork and Barrel
Cork and Barrel will be greatly missed, however Jim and Bev will now have more of a life and won’t those long hours at work.
Don’t forget to visit their store in the Lexington Airport. I recently bought a bottle of bourbon that I took with me on board to Rome. I gave this to a dear friend, who has overjoyed, it was a unique bottle he could not find in Italy.