The ocean has always been a great interest of mine. And the cruise from Rome Italy to Miami Florida gave me lots of time to just sit and enjoy the seemingly endless ocean. Interestingly, the best place to be close to the ocean was on my balcony. Sitting with a glass of wine with a good book on the balcony enjoying the sea going by was very rejuvenating. We had “rough” seas for a time especially around St. Barts. Certainly minimal if compared to something like a hurrican. But it did make folks, myself included, a bit errpy. Thank God for the Scopalamine transdermal patch. The ocean as it was for most of the trip, was peaceful and tranquil. But there was always that background of potential danger. As large as the Riviera is, a severe storm would have tested her strongly. But the Captain kept us beyond the fray, I am sure watching the instruments and changing course to avoid potential bad weather. We were on the sea for well ober 7 days, with the cancellation of our stop in the Canary Islands due to volcanic activity.
Starboard view near St. Barts Starboard view near St. Barts Starboard view after Puerto Rico
Sitting on my balcony with a cup of coffee or glass of wine and watching the sea flow by just reached down into the depths of my pysyche and gave me calm. There were flying fish, I guess, small silvery things about 8-12 inches long. They just came up out of the water, skimmed along for maybe 30 or 40 feet and back into the sea. No way I could ever get a picture of these quick fellows.
Once beyond the Mediterranean we rarely saw land until we came to St. Barts. From this point onward there always seemed to be some islands to the south of our course. Passing by Haiti, Cuba and other islands that could be seen in the distance.

We passed by Gilbralter on our way out into the Atlantic. I have passed by this rock before, but always during the night. So it was wonderful being able to photograph this amazing landmark.

Pool on board Riveria Deck 12 Riveria Waves Bar and Grill
The above are 3 pictures taken of the Riveria. I never take advantage of the swiming, perhaps I should have. I am more inclined to take a wine tasting class. The one below was run by one of the Sommeliers aboard the Riveria. Believe it or not he was called “Elvis”. A fascinating and very insightful guide to our trying red wines. There were many other wine classes, whites, roses, etc … so certainly something to do as you while away the hours on the sea.

There are also a number of restaurants and places to eat on board. I have discussed this in the blog on restaurants on the Riveria. The Grand Dining Room and Terrace Cafe are the two largest. They are opened everyday for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The Grand Dining Room is more formal, sit down, table clothes and excellent service. Whereas the Terrace Cafe is casual, but still with excellent service.
Grand Dining Room Terrace Grill
There are lots of activities to do on board. But I tend to be a bit retiring and just sitting and watching the ocean go by with a good book gave me great pleasure.